Monday, September 6, 2010

I just finished a "Better Off: Flipping the Switch on Technology".

The story follows a young couple (Eric & Mary) who feel like the world of new technology is making life more hectic rather than simplifying life. A main concern was the utter lack of human interaction that resulted from IM's, e-mails, iphones, phones ..etc. This couple set out to live with an amish-like community for 18 months and the book was all his discoveries - both good and bad. The most amazing part was that Mary became pregnant six months into it and had a homebirth.

I liked the book. I won't lie and say it's a top favorite; however it really got me thinking. Anyone that knows me knows how much I like "simple". Simple home, simple food, simple clothing, simple schedule. No, I'm not a peasant, but I hate stress. I hate feeling pulled in mulitiple directions. I hate pressure. So we have a life that is structured that way. No debt, no fancy stuff, good budgeting...etc. I love it. I love a simple life. Still this book made me realize that my "so-called" simple life is not, well that simple after all.

1. Tyson and I do have 2 cars - which really does create stress. Gas, maintanance, insurance, emissoins. I've always said that cars are a necesarry evil. I believe that. Sadly living in metro denver does not leave me with much of an option. My car is going strong. I am realizing how much I could venture into having only one car - hopefully in three years.

2. We have two computers. We bought a desktop for business purposes and still have Tyson's super old laptop. I won't lie and say it's not nice to be able to get on one whenever I want, but sometimes it feels like Tyson and I are just in two seperate rooms on the computer. I don't like that.

3. We live in a big city. The fact that since their experiment this couple has never lived in a place bigger than 3000 people has alot to do with their simple life. They just don't have the option to even compare themselves to their neighboors. I once said I would never live in a small community - but now having lived in two big cities - I yearn for smaller places with a less hurried mindset.

Overall I loved the book. I loved their deep perspective. I also love technology.I love to txt and NOT talk to people. So the end result is that I make a pretty crappy amish.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to use the phone too... its so stressful(accept, of course family). I'll stick to texting.
