Monday, September 13, 2010

Remember...... 9/11

Martha is always posting and I was really touched this weekend and wanted to share a post. Enjoy!!

I am so proud to be apart of a company that pays tribute to the families of those who died at the world trade centers. What company takes time to stop and show a video and have a moment of silence, to let us remember what we fight for....FREEDOM! As I watched this video their were so many emotions. #1 that people who died at the trade centers, OUR COMPANY PRIMERICA paid ALL the life insurance claims our clients had. When OTHER companies had WAR EXCLUSIONS and when President Bush declared it as an act of war, the OTHER companies DENIED THEIR LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES!!!! #2 Feeling proud to be an AMERICAN and so GREATFUL to those who fight for our freedom. So that things like this don't happen again! #3 Humbled by the fire fighters, police officers, and unknown hero's that risked their lives to save others. #4 Sad for the families that lost their loved ones and how precious our time on earth is.

I hope you enjoy this video, though it will tug you in everyway....

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