Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jessica Baptism

Our good friend Jessica Moya was baptised last Sunday. It was such a neat experience. Melissa and I talked and Jon performed the baptism. She gets confirmed tomorrow.Jessica's road to the gosple was one of endurance and trials. She is a single mom and just strong as they get. I cried when she was immersed. I am so grateful for this gospel - I'm grateful I was not a chicken and gave her the Book of Mormon. I kept telling her to write this day down - I wish I remembered my baptism better.

Oh yeah! One funny thing is that one of the Elders there was from Tyson's HOME ward in LOGAN!!! What a small world.


  1. Martha!!!! I am SO inspired that you gave out a Book of Mormon. And look at the fruit! I have to admit, I do get chicken about it, so this post is really something to inspire!

    You look simply fantastic, by the way!

  2. P.S. I am loving seeing your blog again- thank you!!!!
