Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Funny New Loves

Sydney has found blankets and she loves to chew on them. We got her a play mat for grab to and while she likes it a little bit, she loves it much more. She will grab the ring and the blanket and chew and play at the same time.

She has been really fussy the last couple of days and i'm afraid she is teething. I am terrifed of teething - just seems like such a cruel thing to go through. We got homeopathic pills for pain and have given her some pain medecine. It's been helping.


  1. So cute. Oh that girl is getting so big! I want in on the birthday celebration!! AND your Valentines banner turned out soooooo darling. xo

  2. Great pictures of sydney, and birthday fun!! She looks super cute!!

  3. I know I'm a little behind on reading your blog...but I just wanted to assure you that Addison cut all her teeth (18 and counting) with no fussing, no waking at night, no diarehha, etc...she just woke up with teeth. So don't be too worried until you have something to worry about because it might go wonderfully!
