Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sydney Tummy Time

This last weekend was pretty chill. Sunday we had a Welcome Warm Weather parkty with the Meakins and Johnsons. I wish I remembered to take pictures. We talked lots about parenting and discipline. They have two very well behaved girls.

We have been staying home lots. Sydney has been going to bed at 6:30 pm since we cut out one of her naps. I honestly can't believe babies can sleep so long. It's great. This makes me feel so much more confident for our second kids.

Sydney has been growing. My favorite time is in the morning. She as been trying to roll over - mostly side to side, but its the beginnings of some movements. I still cant' believe how llllooonnnggg her little fingers are. It's the same size as most 3 year olds. She continues to love chewing and sucking on any cloth close to her face. She is also enjoying her map more. She can't now play independantly for a good 15 minutes at a time.

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