Sunday, June 3, 2012

Gerber Visit In June

Oh man we love when family comes to visit. Debbie and Gaylan drove here to meet Chenille, James, Sophie and Mandolin to start Grandma Camp. We were lucky enough to be smack in the middle so we spent 4 days with them. It was a great time. I loved that they got to see how big Sydney is getting and her personality. Sydney was an absolute trooper. We made sure she got one good nap in the morning and she (mostly) did great with a shorter nap in the afternoon during car rides. She only freaked out once on Friday. She was fantastic. Here is a quick recap of what we did:

Thursday: Ikea, Ice cream and swimming at the Broomfield Rec Center

Friday: Hit Krispie Kreams for "National Free Donut Day" and then  hit the Denver zoo. We got to
go to the new  "elephant exhibit" and we hit Cafe Rio for Dinner.

Saturday: Story Time @ Barnes & Nobles, crafts, Walmart,
 Hung out at home watched movies, picnic outside, McDonalds for dinner

Sunday: Breakfast, church and good byes.

Overall it was fun. I'm slightly disappointed because I went off the bandwagon
and I'm sure have gained 5 lbs, but I loved that the trip was relaxed.
Sydney took a special liking to Grandpa Gerber. She just glowed when he was around. Sophie
loved taking care of Sydney. Cousins are so much fun. Sydney is 7 months now and I am just amazed.


  1. Are you pointing at a Key Lime Pie Cream filled donut from Krispy Kreame?? That was my donut of choice for National Donut Day!! I love when family visits, I'm happy you were able to have so much fun with yours:)

  2. Nothing like visits from family. So cute Sydney loves her Grandpa! ;)
