Friday, June 1, 2012

Seven Months

Weight: 18.2 lbs
Height: 28.5 inches

Fun Facts

1. You are finally eating some baby food. I was terrified to give you some. We never gave you cereal and I'm really glad we did that. You first ate sweet potatoes and you did soo well. You never pushed food out. You now also eat carrots. We are hoping to get you use to veggies before fruits
2. We cut out a nap. This was pretty traumatic for us, but now you take two naps. We are still getting use to you being awake for longer
3. We went swimming for the first time. You were stoned faced the entire time, but eventually kicked your legs.
4. You can sit up. You love to be in your feet or sitting up. No tummy time for you.
5. You show no interest in holding your bottle or crawling. I mean why do something someone else can do for you? You are milking it girl!
6. You are much more vocal. in church you are so loud.
7. You started quiet time - only 10 minutes at a time but you are doing awesome
8. Still no teeth but man you bite down hard with those little gums.
9. You love being in the ergo baby backpack.
10. You started playing a "where's sydney" game where you cover your face. It's pretty funny.
11. You can tell when we leave you. Nap time is harder because you cry when you know we leave you to sleep. We have to keep coming back in and sometimes we just let you cry for a minute because you are so tired.
12.  You are a great baby Sydney. You are kind and love to play with faces. You love to poke your daddies eyes.

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