Friday, August 3, 2012

Nine Months

Weight:19.2 lbs
Height: 29 inches

Fun Facts:
1. You continue to be our little talker. You babble all day long. Your little mouth is soooo stinking cute and your big eyes light up when we babble back. I love how you talk to cars or your toys. You also love talking to other babies.

2. You still don't crawl but you are a wiggly baby. You are finally liking rolling over from your back to stomach but only to get toys. 

3. You are great at playing by yourself. You can play 15 minutes at a time. Everytime we go to a party people are amazed you can play by yourself for so long.

4. You still take 2 naps but usually in bed no later than 745. You are now waking up around 710 am and I can't tell you how much mama loves being able to stay in bed until 7 am.

5. You are much better are pinching food and feeding yourself. Sometimes you missy our little mouth but you try and try again.

6. You can pull yourself up and down as long as someone is holding your back. You have also started to know how to move your little feet along the couch.

7. Still no teeth sweetheart but it's ok. You still seem to eat just fine.

8. You tend to gag alot and choke because you try to eat too much too soon. At first we were terrified but now we feel much better since we know how to stay calm and help you.

9. You are starting to say dada and mama much more clearly. You also love to say bah bah.

10. You are pretty stubborn and hate your nails cut.

11. You are finally finally holding your bottle. Utah really helped you get use to this and I can't tell you how much that helps when I am sicker than a dog on the floor. I still like to hold you and feed you sometimes, just because you are so cute and mild when you are eating.

12. You light up when either mom or dad enter the room. It's an amazing feeling to know you recognize us.

13. You are very social but very slow to touch other people and babies. You take your time learning your enviroment.

14. You are such a happy baby Sydney. You make everyone smile. Whenever we go out you love to catch people's attention and give them a big toothless smile. It melts my heart. You are such a joy to be around. I love to cuddle with you when I am rocking you to sleep. You are such a beautiful baby.

1 comment:

  1. I love how your write these entries TO baby Syd. They are so sweet and you will both love reading them forever.
