Saturday, August 11, 2012

Weekend Recap

This last weekend was really fun. Saturday we finally, FINALLY celebrated our anniversary. The three of us headed out to Outback steakhouse because I was craving a baked potatoe. Sydney was so funny. She was the start of the show and all the tables around us were mezmerised by her. She would giggle, grab food and babble. It was really funny.
We got home, put Sydney down and watched a show until I was out by 9 pm. Sunday Tyson got sustained as the 2nd councelor in the Elders Quorum. After church we had lunch with the new Elders President - it was so yummy! I felt bad because I started dry heaving pretty bad toward the end of our visit. Not sure why but man it sucked.
We got home around 530 and by 6 pm the Meakins had arrived! Poor Allison felt so bad for me just mushed on the couch. We attempted to watch the Lorax but with 4 babies, we mostly talked. We had dip, chips, cookies and popcorn. It's hard  because I lose my appetite at night. I might be soooo excited for a dinner but by 6 pm I have to force myself to eat something so I don't starve the next morning.
As usual with small babies, everyone left for bedtimes at 8 pm. It was so nice to see friends and be around other adults. Tyson and I cleaned up, he was a total stud and cleaned all the floors and mopped them. Tyson rocks.
We were both in bed by 930. Overall it was a really good weekend. I'm still feeling really crappy. Some nights are better than other but mostly after 530 my body starts to shut down. I get dizzy and I just want to pass out. Its such a crazy time.

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