Friday, October 19, 2012

Conference Weekend

We had a fantastic conference weekend. Busy but not too busy. Saturday Tyson worked so Sydney and I hung out at home, cleaned and prepared for our parties. Sydney took naps most of the talks but was able to listen to a couple of each session.

I specially loved the Saturday morning session - Pres. Urckdorf, Pres. Monson were my favorite. Tyson got off at 530, came home and rushed to the Preisthood session. I had Sarah, Kayla and Betsy come over and hang out during preisthood. We made german pancakes and had some corn casserole. It was really yummy. Everyone was gone by 730 to put kiddos to bed. I cleaned up, headed up stairs to read and was sleep by 915. Tyson called to say he was headed to Red Robin with some guys from the Red Leaf Ward.

Sunday morning for some reason Tyson was up at 6 am - he kept saying "babe I'm not sure why but I feel like it's christmas morning! I'm so excited! So I was up at 615 and we just talked in bed until 715 when Sydney got up. It was a great conversation. He told me about Preisthood and hanging out with the guys.

We got up and folded some laundry. At 830 we headed downstairs to get ready for our conference party - we hosted 2 families and 4 missionaries. We made waffles, strawberries, dip and hashbrowns. It was really good food. We all huddled to listen to conference. It was a great time. Sydney got up at 11 and came down to play with Emma Stallings - there are both about 10 months and super loud - it was awesome.

Everyone left by 1230. That night at 5 we went to dinner at the Bugarins house. We were home by 7 pm and put Sydney down. We were in bed by 830. It was a really great relaxing weekend. Today we had free lunch at Panera bread and we walked to a nearby toy store. Sydney found a little shopping cart which was super fun.

We have been really infatuated with her lately. She's at SUCH a fun stage. She's started doing this thing where she grins REALLLY big and shows all her little toothless gum - she just gets so proud of herself and it melts my heart. All of the sudden she seems so big. All of the sudden I long for my small baby - even though we got one coming right around the corner. Sydney has taught us so much. I love her dosent even describe how we feel - but thats what all parents feel. It's amazing.

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