Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Prego Update


According to baby bump I am 22 weeks along. We were thrilled to find out last week that we are having another girl!!! Tyson was beyond escatic. It was his dream to have sisters be really close just like him and his brother.

We decided we will probably go with London Ivania as a our name. We have loved the name London for a while and it just seems to fit. Hopefully she looks like a London :)

I'm starting to feel much better. I feel much more energy and have more patience. It's nice to get myself back into my routine.I still go to bed faithfull by 930 and can sleep 9 hours without a hitch. Sydney has been waking up a couple times a night so that has given me interrupted sleep but at least I feel pretty rested.

My hair is getting sooo thick.I got a cut last week and my hairstylist is always amazed at how much hair grows. My scyatic nerve has been acting up alot. On Sunday I had several sweet RS ladies question why I was limping after sacrament. I informed them of my nerve and they all felt so bad for me.

London is moving. A. Lot. She is loves to kick Tyson's hands and face when he talks to her. I am finding that I can no longer sleep on my back, only my side. I also really liking my left side best in bed.

My appetite has leveled off. I can go 4-5 hours before getting sick in between meals. I still love a big breakfast and lunch and a smaller dinner. I feel great that I wake up earlier due to Sydney, it feels like my body really enjoys it.

My belly has grown a lot in the last week. I can still manage to carry sydney as long as it's not up the stairs for some part of the day. It's soooo nice that she is much more mobile. She loves walking while holding on to my fingers and even though my back hurts, it's nicer than having 21 lbs on top of my belly.

Part of me feels like this pregnancy is going faster and at the same time - slower. Days are long but weeks go by fast. I feel much more peace with this pregnancy than with Sydneys. I remember being constantly worried about every little thing. I feel so much more peace this time around - or maybe I am just too busy to notice things.

1 comment:

  1. Martha,

    Cool blog and thanks for keeping me updated on the pregnancy. Its nice knowing the second pregnancy is easier than the first thus far (knock on wood).
    I'm glad Sydney is mobile more these days. I can't wait to see you guys in a few days.
