Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Eleven Months

Weight: 20.5 ouz
Height: 30 inches

11. You started doing this thing where when I am putting you to bed you will grab a single corner of your blanket and start caresing the very tip with your fingers - its too cute.

12. You have barely learned to stand on your crib and we've had some rough nights where you just keep standing up and crying. We come in, put you back down and leave. It's hard to see you not want to go to bed when you are so tired.

13. You have really loved to look at birds and planes. We go outside and point them out in they sky and you get so happy.

14. You are a walking machine along the couch. You are sooo fast. You also now crawl to the table, then the jumper and then to the kitchen - you have this little path.

15. You love bath time and have recently stopped wanting to come out of it. You can last 25 minutes super happy in your bath just splashing

16. You are becoming a huge book lover. You love to turn pages and have recently started to touch the pictures. You specially love the books with baby faces. You get super happy.

17. We have succesfully taught you "give it to mama". We will give you an object and then we point to our fingers - you know to give us the item - well 80% of the time anyway.

18. You love to "open/close" our hands. We will close our palms and your little fingers will open and close them. It's pretty cute.

19. You have recently started to visibly show when you get frustrated with something - whether it's not being able to walk to something, not able to open a single page of a book, or not being able to get your food fast enough. You let us know it FAST.

20. You are all smiles sweet Sydney. You have a strong character and personality but we love it. You seem so determained to do things with your life. You are fantastic.

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