Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Twelve Months

Weight: 20 lbs, 6 oz
Height: 29.5 inches

Fun Facts:

1. You have walked by yourself! You have taken 5-6 steps by yourself. You are still pretty woobly but you have walked sweet baby! You are mostly motivated by puffs.

2. You are cutting your two top teeth. Ouch! You are loving strawberries, cheese sticks, bananas, bread and pasta.

3. You are slowly switching from formula to whole milk. No reactions that we can see.

4. You are still taking two naps although neither is longer than 1.5 hours. You go to bed at 730 and get up by 705 am.

5. You are loving saying "dada" and sometimes even "daddy". You say momma but it sounds more like "nana".

6. You love animals and freak out whenever you see one, specialy cats and dogs.

7. You make the funniest faces when you smile with your entire mouth but no teeth - your little nose gets squished up and you are so proud of yourself.

8. You are pretty stubborn and get mad when you try something but can't get it right.

9. You still hate your carseat. You can last 30 minutes before you start to freak out, so we keep our trips short. Most of the time though you babble and talk to yourself the entire time.

10. You are loving your daddy more and more. You guys specially love to dance, play hide and seek and being outside.

11. You are no longer interested in baby food - real food only.

12. You are loving your blankie more and more these days - must be a security thing.

13. You love playing "una tortillita" and you clap my hands instead of your own.

14. You love to trace words while we read - you feel like such a big girl.

15. You seem like such a little girl now - no longer a baby. It makes me so happy and yet sad. I can't believe how fast this year has gone, mostly because some days seem to go on forever

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