Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Grateful for .....

1. A healthy pregnancy and growing baby. London is a moving machine. She's pretty violent sometimes. Sometimes we will watch my belly and see it move and move and move.

2. A healthy Sydney. She is growing, learning and exploring. Nothing brings me more joy.

3. Tyson. What can I say. He's my partner in crime and I could not see my life with anyone else. He's sweet, kind, SO patient, loving. I could not imagine parenting without him. He is my rock.

4. Our families. They are so different but so wonderful in their own ways. Brothers and sisters are such a blessing. They make us laugh and cry. They fill our lives with sound advice and love.

5. Our jobs. This year has been so different for us. It was a big turning point in our lives. So many things have changed in our point of view of making money. We feel blessed that we have had jobs and the free housing that comes with it.

6. Our warm home. So many don't have the small luxuries I take for granted. I'm so thankful for a warm home. A warm bed.

7. The gospel. For my life, this is the single thing that helps me keep a perspective and stay away from my selfish side.

8. Mentors - this year I feel like I have found a whole world of like minded mothers. Being my first year as a mother, I'm so thankful for friends who understand and love and are willing to help. My mindset as a mom has been shaped so much by people not related to me but willing to answer my constant questions.

9. Being a mother. I'm so thankful for my sweet Sydney. I'm excited to meet London. Motherhood has humbled and frustrated me in ways I could not have even imagined. Yet sometimes I look into Sydney's eyes - how much she longs for me. How she loves to play with me. How to loves to follow me. I see that and I realize why God put us as families in this world. He knew, just knew the pure joy that comes with it.

10. Being in the USA. I feel so blessed to live here. I never forget how lucky I am to come from Nicaragua and the blessings that Sydney will have because she is a citizen and living in this great country.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. Nothing better than a grateful heart. <3
