Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Vegas Gerber family trip

In a crazy turn of events we were able to figure out a way to head to Vegas for 4 days to be with all the Gerber family. This has been the first time this happened since last Christmas. We flew in Thursday morning (11/14) and flew back Monday (11/19).

Even though I HATE last minute rushes I have to admit it turned out pretty fun and I'm glad we went. Thursday we arrived at 10 am and spent the day shopping for the new vacation home. We put together beds, bought more house stuff and Tyson worked with his dad. Sydney was a trooper. I think the hardest part for me of traveling is how much it effects Sydney. She usually naps during a plane ride but this time she stayed up all morning with no nap. She was cranky to say the least.

Friday Tyson worked some more and we went to a pottery show. At 1 pm Tyson and I got to go get hour long massages - IT. WAS. AMAZING. We have been wanting massages for a long time and to get a couples massage was fun and relaxing. I literally fell sleep on the bed.

After lunch we went shopping until 4 pm when we headed to the strip. We cruised around the Bellagio and watched the watershow. By 7 pm we were all tired so we went home. We picked up fried chicken and panda express. I was in bed by 8 pm and Sydney by 730.

Saturday Straton and Lauren arrived. We went to Target and then to Walmart to shop for our early thanksgiving dinner. After shopping we went down to the Flamingo Hotel and went to the Paradise Buffet. It was really good. Tyson had a ton of crab legs. I loved filet minog and Sydney loved fruit. The only crappy thing is that we kept Sydney up until 930 which is WAY too late. By the end of the night she was so tired but still got up at 6 am Vegas time. Sigh.

Sunday we all went to church. Tyson and I drove around trying to give Sydney a nap. After church we went home and made dinner. By this time I was beyond exhausted. Tyson had also caught some kind of bug. His throat hurt pretty much since the 2nd day we got there. We tried everything - medicine, oils, gargles - nothing really made him get better. Sunday night we were pretty wiped out due to pregnancy, Sydney being super clingy and Tyson being sick. So Sydney was in bed at 645 and we followed at 8 pm.

Monday we got up and got everything ready. We flew out at 10:50 am. Sydney did really really well on this trip back home. No crying spells. We were soooo happy to be back home.

Oh and I can't forget. Sydney can walk! She decided to really go for it this trip - perhaps it was the dogs that got her so excited. But now at 12.5 months she is walking across entire rooms. She is so proud of herself. We are beyond thrilled. She is a rockstar.

1 comment:

  1. Wow you guys have been traveling a lot! Those trips are always so much fun but a lot of stress and work! I love Vegas. looks like you guys have a great time. I can't believe Syd is walking. must witness this soon. :)
