Friday, July 12, 2013

Five months


Fun facts:

You still wake up once a night to eat. There have been 3-4 times where you sleep all night but not consistent. We might try the dream feed again or just keep at it. We change our minds lot lol

You are one calm baby. You do fantastic with new people and situations. You never had any issues during our long vacation. You even did great in the car

You can sit up! You still need a pillow or lap to back you up but you have great back strength

You wear 6 months clothes and are really long

You started talking during Utah. Super cute

You hate to be out down after 4 pm. You are super happy as long as you are held but the second you are out down you freak

You love your wombie. We have tried twice to wean you off but you won't have it

You are loving Sydney. You watch her and follow her across the room

You are eating 6-7 ounces every 4 hours

You take three naps. On some days you take a 3 hour nap and skip your third nap. 

You go to bed between 715-730 and sleep until 7 am the next day

You are loving to grab hair and cloth

You do great at tummy time. Usually can stay for 5-8 minutes before fussing

You smile and giggle easily. You specially loved papa Goez, uncle Straton and auntie Lauren during our trip. They could make you laugh every time 

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