Monday, December 8, 2008

I walked into church on Sunday ...

and automatically the bishopric called both Tyson and I to a small room. Now I love my bishopric, but being put in a small room with anyone would make you feel scared/excited/confused. Tyson and I sat there and the 1st counselor thanked me for having done a great job in the Primary (I teach the 11 yr girls) and how my president loved me ... blah blah blah, but then he said that the Young Womens President has been watching me for months (who?...) and that she told the bishop that she NEEDED me (His words. Not mine). So I was released from Primary and put in charge of all Mia Maids in my ward. I sat there and was completly taken back. I love my calling. It's simple. It's fun. It's just on Sunday.

Even though I am worried about the time issue - I've always been a firm believer that God knows timing and my life better than I do. So I accept, have faith and keep on moving forward. Tyson was really excited about it; he know's how good I would be with age group. This Wednesday is my first activity. We are going ice-skating. I suck at ice-skating. It should be interesting.

In addition to my new calling, Straton and Lauren spent Saturday night with us. We had a BLAST. We played games on Saturday night. Watched Batman Sunday morning, went to church, ate cereal for dinner - it was awesome. I have some pics to post from our Ward Christmas party and our first Christmas tree. I just need that stinking cord to hook up my camera :)


  1. WOW~ you'll be perfect for the calling. That's great ! I'm exited for you "-)

  2. When I heard your calling announced i church I almost jumped out of my seat with excitement!! That calling is so perfect for you...well from what I've picked up about you anyway. ;) thank you so much for befriending jeff and i so quickly, it is so nice to actually know people in the ward. Good luck at your calling and please let me know if i can help in anyway!

  3. I think you'll be great with the Young Women! It is one of the time consuming callings, but just remember the influential Young Women's leaders you had (at least that's what I did when I was in YW leadership).

  4. You'll do great!! That's so exciting! The YW Program always needs great people in leadership as that is one of the most important times of their lives. So excited for you!!
