Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A year later ... a Christmas tree.

My family calls me cheap. I like "frugal" much better. I'm guilty of saving present bags, eating left overs for over a week and sharing a big burrito to save money. Last Christmas was no exceptions. While most couples go crazy on their first Christmas, Tyson and I took a different approach.

Who says you need a Christmas tree to enjoy the season? Obviously not me. Tyson actually was the one that put up even just the photo. I am glad to announce that we actually bought all our Christmas decorations the day after Christmas 2007 for 70% off and it was great stuff. This year we braved Black Friday and thanks to Debbie and Gaylan got our first tree. So goodbye Snoopy ... hello Christmas tree!

We even started a little system. Tyson put the ornaments on a string and I hung them around the tree. We had Christmas music in the background, snow falling outside - it was pretty neat. In all honesty, I'm glad we waited. Our first place was just not "home" to us. We spent all festivities at either families house so it really was not a big deal. I'm proud of saving pennies - I know where Ty and I will be 5 years, so I'm not worried about the short term trade offs.


  1. It looks great - congrats on the first tree! It's my favorite to sit in the Christmas lights in the early morning and just read or contemplate...ahhhhh....

  2. It looks like Christmas at your house! you are awesome! We didn't have a Cmas tree til 3 years ago. At first had Mom's old one then finally splurged and bought our very own one last year:) You will be happy later for the things you go without now! It's all worth the wait:0)

  3. love the tree! you did such a good job decorating it!

  4. Hey I kindof like the SNOOPY! But your tree is beautiful! You and Tyson are taking all the right steps and making great memories! Proud of you guys!!

  5. Your tree looks beautiful! How fun to put it up for the first time. Have a great holiday!
