Friday, May 20, 2011

Rainy Days

Its been a rainy two days. We have even had a tornado warning and schools shut down yesterday. All the rainy weather has made it convenient to get caught up on much needed housework. My first trimester I was pretty much useless. I was sick all day and just made it through work and nights meant dry heaving and falling sleep at 8:30. Needless to say my house my was the the usual spotless house it usually is. My 2nd trimester has meant lots more energy and no nausea.

Yesterday I cleaned out my fridge. I washed all the cabinets and shelves in the bathtub. I scrubbed down the inside. It felt great. The only thing I still suffer from is just not being able to catch my breath and getting tired faster. I have to watch myself and listen to my body when I need to slow down. My mind goes the same speed but my body begs to be handled more delicately. Tyson has been amazing and is willing to help with what I ask him to - but it's also more than that. Yesterday he unloaded the dishwasher without being asked, today he cleaned up the kitchen after lunch. It's little thing like that that make me love him even more.

I am sleeping now 9-10 hours every night. I love it. Mornings have became so much more productive because I am ready to go. Tyson and I are enjoying the sleep. All of the sudden we realize how lucky we are to sleep in, cuddle and just hang out in bed. I know those will be cherished moments when our baby comes.

Outside of that, things are going great.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your pregnancy!! You will love being a mom, it's amazing!
