Monday, March 18, 2013

One Month

Weight: 7 lbs 13 oz
Height: 20 inches

1. Boy it's been a crazy month. I have honestly felt every hour of your first month. I'm really relieved its over.

2. You are totally healthy baby! Gained all your birth weight and then some.

3. You were able to get off oxygen right before one month. I'm so glad we made it past your RSV.

4. You are fussy at night. We had several really rough late nights. We are praying for more sleep but during the day you are pretty quiet and content.

5. Your morning naps are the best. The afternoon naps are tough. You eat 2-3 ounces every three hours or so. The max you can go at night is 4 hours.

6. You are already trying to balance your head. You seem like a tough little girl. You are also a huge wiggle worm. You move so much.

7. We are still trying to come up with a nickname. Ty came up with Londini like hoodini. Mostly because you love to get out of your swaddle.

8. You love your binky and we successfully switched you to the NUK ones like Sydney.

9. You poop once a day. I remember Sydney struggling with pooping on formula but you seem to do awesome.

10. You are alot of work London but you are so wonderful. We are slowly but surely figuring out how to be good parents and you are so patient with us. You love to scream but are such a sweetheart. We love you.

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