Thursday, October 17, 2013

Eight months

Weight: 17 lbs 12 oz

You are finally finally sleeping through the night.. 7-7 with no feeding - just kidding that lasted three days. Now we are back on  dream feed. You have seemed to stopped liking formula. Only real food. It's been frustrating to say the least. Still you seem to be a pretty happy person most of the time.
(update - we kept at it and our latest strategy is to feed you 4 solid foods per day. you have slept through the night for three nights in a row. Last  night you woke up but we let you cry it out and you went back to sleep)

You now eat solids three times a day.. You are big on on fruit but not veggies. 

You are talking and you sound so stinking cute. You babble and coo and caaa

You are slowly showing signs of possible crawling.. You love to push against my arms but you can't do anything on your own yet

You take two naps and are mostly happy in the evening

You love daddy. You two are really tarting to form a cute bond

You reach out to things and you can turn 180 degrees to get stuff

You are quite the mommas girl. You still prefer to have me hold you at all times. You  have always been good to have others hold you, but after 30 minutes you start fussing for me

You have the these big eyes and cheeks that everyone talks about. Your cheeks just seem to hang off your little face. I find myself being unable to stop kissing you. I just kiss you and want to hold you forever. 

You still move and wiggle like never before. You hate being fed in your car seat and you arch your back in protest.

We got you a big care seat. Still rear facing, but its longer and much looser which you seem to like

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