Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Real life

Tyson left for work. We waved goodbye and I took a look around me. Wow. It was a very normal morning and I started thinking how much I wanted to remember these days. I mean LOOK at  the mess. However, I was happy that Sydney was playing. London was happy attempting to self feed - which meant lots of Cheerios on the floor. My attempts of bread making are seen in the back.

Sydney's new thing is making a complete mess of our junk drawer. Usually it's nicely divided and semi organized but today it looks like the above. Rather than getting super stressed or frustrated I put both girls to play in the crib and then set a timer. I was able to clean things picked up in  6 minutes and 8 seconds. 

Yes the dishes are still soaking and the bread making continued but I think it looks
way better. I like the way I try to simplify my life to be able to clean up in less than 10 minutes. I've been a full time mom for almost 9 months. It's been such a transition. Most days I love it and I think most of it has to do because I have turned all my energies to be a professional home manager. I remember loving working because I was challenged to do things better, faster and in turn have less stress. After 3 months of feeling sad that I could not return to work I used all that energy to create the same at home. From freezer cooking to simplifying my home, to selling stuff on craigslist. It's taken me years to change my attitude and mindset about what I want in my home and why. 

Someday My girls will have babies of their own and will ask me how I lived  my days. I'll tell them of all the prep I did before hand to achieve a simpler life and how days were filled with library times, walking outside, naps, making bread and lots of reading.

How I love my babies and I'm grateful for the chance to learn new skills for home. There are so many smart, amazing women who run their homes with love and daily intentional decisions. I learn so much from them.

Anyway both girls are down for napa, my bread is rising  and I need to another Gerber 
Pick up since my clean house last about 10 minutes before it's dirty again lol

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