Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happy LATE Anniversary

My anniversary was yesterday and I did not get chance to post. I felt kind of bad, but then I realized that instead of posting I spent time talking to Tyson. It was late at night, Tyson finished his conference call and we decided to watch our wedding video. We laughed at all the corny things we said and how sad we were we did not have a video of our reception. We talked about how we have changed the last 24 months. The good and the bad. We talked about our future. Our goals. It was sweet.

My wedding day was so fun. It was not perfect but the memories were so great. I remember waking up and having such a relaxing morning. It was a warm July day. We had great breakfast at the Grand America and spent time with family. The temple was great. Sacred. The reception and ring ceremony were fantastic.

Looking back, I never would have guess I would be where we are right now. We have been so blessed. So many people have come into our lives that have truly changed us for the better. We are different people. Better people. I am tons more patient, better work ethic and more faith. I'm so grateful for my great parents and Tyson's parents. We are so extremely loved by them and we love them too.

I don't have amazing advice when people ask me what I have learned but I have formed principles to live by.

1. Live WAY under your means. Specially when you are starting out. No need for big homes, big cars and big stuff. Learn to be happy with little and prepare for big things to come. Money is the single thing that I see that rips families apart.

2. Bite your tongue. Marriage is about NOT saying things that you want to say. I have learned the patience will make a marriage

3. Work together. Tyson and I have callings together, business together, family together - we really rely on each others strengths.

4. Develop your own lives. Too many young couples do EVERYTHING with family, live with family, work for family ... but after all of that, do you still have a real relationship?

5. Attend temple. This is a no brainer.

6. Pay tithing. Even when it hurts.

7. Learn to say I'm sorry.

I'm grateful for the last two years -but so excited for the next two, 10, 30 and 50.

I love you Tyson. Thank you for believing in me. Loving me in spite of myself and seeing a vision greater than ourselves.

Te amo.


  1. Those are some great marriage guidelines! I love number two - I was just thinking about this the other day - about how there are many things that I (and Avram) do not say, even when we think them, because we know they would hurt the other. And how much this makes our marriage good (although hard, sometimes). These are all good points (especially also the Temple and Tithing).

    Of course, I've only been married a couple of years longer, so I don't know why I'm trying to sound all old and wise!

  2. Happy 2nd Anniversary!!!! Awesome insights- thanks for sharing those. I don't think there is ever a time that I can't learn from a list like that. So true about tithing, isn't it? I am so grateful for that principle- without it, we would not have survived college!

    Happy for you two! Congrats on two years of a very supportive marriage!
