Monday, July 20, 2009


Isn't funny how much a perception can change in just a matter of months. It was November 2008, that Tyson and I were pulled in little room during church and I was asked to serve in the Young Women program - the Mia Maids to be exact. I remember thing "what? No, you don't understand God, I don't have time. I have PFS, I work out, I have thinnnnggsss to do". Man I was brat, luckily Tyson is amazing and encouraged me to make the best of it.

So it started. Mutual every Wednesday, Girls Camp, meetings, firesides, lessons, service projects, feeling awkward, temple trips ... and the most amazing thing happened. My heart started to melt for these girls. No longer were they intimidating (and I can introduce you to some pretty sharp Mia Maids) believe it or not, I actually started to enjoy it. About four months into the calling I remember having this moment, the momemt that I just realized just how lucky I was to be in Young Womens. I remember feeling like Heavenly Father wanted me to learn something but was "too busy" to get it. I decided to stop trying to make this calling a chore -but be in the moment. Oddly enough, I was informed that we would all be released in 3months. Wow! Here I finally reached the right mindet and it was all coming to the end.

What did I do from then until my release yesterday? Enjoyed. I enjoyed the girls, the lesson's, the activities, the leaders, the food, the moment. When we were released I was AMAZED at how much a part of me Young Womens had became. My only wish is that I was able to leave the girls something, because they changed me. I am sad, but I'm glad that I never let my emotions


  1. sad :( YOur so good to let the Lord guide your life!

  2. I am sure those girls are going to miss you and love you dearly! That is funny because I am with the Mia Maids in my ward and absolutely adore them. I think I can understand a little of how hard it must be. You will be needed somewhere else though- your talents will be put to work!

  3. Oh that is sad! Wonder what your next calling will be??
