Sunday, June 27, 2010

Long Walk

I did an awful thing today.

Meetings. I hate meetings. It feels like Tyson and I have a lot of them, specially on Sundays. It's usually not a problem, but today, I just did not want to go. I wanted to spend time with Tyson. Go on a walk, read with Tyson ... I just wanted Tyson.

He had a meeting at 9:30, then 10;30 then church from 11-2. We got home, ate and rushed to another meeting at 3. We got home at 4, cleaned and watched LOST while I was getting ready for my camp meeting at 6. At 5:30 it just hit me. Enough is enough. I want to be with my husband. I have an assistant. I don't want this meeting.

I picked up the phone, txt Laurie that she can go and fill me in later. I was done and it was great to just say no. I'm not someone who has a hard time saying no, but I love to keep busy. I love to feel productive and being involved, but I had to step back today and see that I was going too fast, too much.

So after my cancellation - we did just what I wanted to. Nothing. We watched LOST and cuddled - a lot ;)

After we went on an hour long walk. Just the two of us. The weather was perfect. We read some of my new book, discussed the plan of salvation, looked at prairie dogs - just the two of us.

We got home and relaxed more. I made some food. It was awesome.

I'm so glad I said no to more meetings. No to more time away. This was a big lesson for me. At the end of the day, you don't build memories on meetings. You build memories with everything outside of meetings.


  1. I am glad you two took some time with each other. You are one amazing woman Martha!!

  2. I tricked you with the headline title of my post. :) hee hee
