Monday, December 5, 2011

Five Weeks and Crying Continues

Sydney turned 5 weeks today. I have to admit the last week and half have been realllly hard. Sleep is short. Her crying times between 7 pm and midnight have become pretty intense. The worse night so far was Sunday. I started putting her down at 7:30 pm after her last feed and the crying started. I kept trying to sooth her and put her down for 2 hours. At 9:30 Tyson got home and took over. She just cried and cried. At 1 am I could hear Tyson start to lose it. I got up and took over. By 2 am I had resorted to the swing. She finally fell sleep at 2:20 am and I got into bed exhausted.

The only comfort was that she slept until 6:30 am. I woke up and fed her. She fell sleep at 7:30 and I climbed into bed. Both Tyson and I felt like we had been ran over by a truck. It was ugly and long.

We hear we are "almost there" and that this colic should slow down at 6 weeks. Oh man I hope so. Monday we took pictures with Celeste Hutchinson who recommned the book "healthy sleep habits, happy child". Her 7 week old sleeps from 6:30 pm to 2 am, feed and then down until 8 am. I was amazed! I went that day to get the book. I have been reading it all day. It's been really informative. I know lots of my friends had mentioned this book but I felt I had things under control - until last night. Oh man.

I love Sydney. She is amazing. She is sweet. She also knows how to bring Tyson and I down to our knees. I respect parents everywhere for toughing it out through all these times. I hope to report progress soon.


  1. I really like picture #2. She looks a lot like Tyson. :)

  2. Just remember, these hard times don't last. In the blink of an eye she'll be graduating high school and off into the real world. As crazy as it sounds, be thankful for these times. She's teaching you to be a really great mom! =)

  3. Oh Martha, I so feel for you. Maya, too, was a colicky baby and it was a nightmare! It does pass and soon she'll be sleeping at night for you. Just really try and rest when she does during the day. A lot of those books have helpful hints, but try not to get too caught up in them. We did, and it ended up giving us expectations that we shouldn't have had because all babies are so different! Good luck! Email me if you have questions or want to talk. Also, what I ate really affected my breastmilk and I think that made Maya cranky and gassy on top of having an attitute problem! Haha. (mainly broccoli, chocolate, dairy)
