Thursday, December 1, 2011

One Month: Fun Facts
Weight: 8 lbs 4 oz
Height: 21 inches even
Head: 14.8

She is a great morning person. Not a late owl. Gets really overstimulated when we keep her up past her sleep window.

Great eater. Eating between 3-4 oz per feeding. Her cheeks are getting so chubby! I love watching her while I sit in the dark while putting her to sleep.

She goes from 0---60 in 2 seconds when she wants something, whether it's her binkie, bottle or when she is bored.

She playes by herself for 10 minutes after every feeding. She quickly lets me know when she is done :)

She took her newborn pictures and peed on the blanket, also several times at doctors office.

She holds her burps. We have to try pretty hard to get her to burp.

She holds her little hands next to the bottle and it looks like she tries to hold it.

She has big eyes that are so beautiful. She is super focused and has the funniest facial expressions.. Tyson says she is just like me and one can tell exactly what she is thinking by her face.

She loves to sleep on her side. Hates her back.

She loves her swaddle. Her arms are pretty strong and scare her when she swings them.


  1. Oh Martha!!! Thank you so much for the invite! Your little Sydney is BEAUTIFUL (like her mother)! I can't wait to keep reading past posts!

  2. Just caught up on reading your last few posts. I've been wondering how you are doing! Your little girl is so cute. Sounds like you are all adjusting really well. Much better than I did with Maya!!
