Monday, December 12, 2011

Last Night

Sunday was a great day. We made it through all THREE sessions of church. I love going to Relief Sociaty because everyone wants to hold Sydney and she gets lots of human cuddle time. I don't like her always in her car seat unless she is sleeping. I like her being held whenever she is not sleeping. I don't like her sleeping in arms - she never gets really deep sleep.

Speaking of sleep. After church and tithing settlement we headed to dinner with Allison and Ben Meakin. They rock. We love being with them. Allison is a pure ray of excitement and Ben is this mellow overprotective dad - the perfect match. We hung out from 5-7:45 and then headed home. Sydney had a rough crying spell at their house while trying to take a nap.

We got home at 8 pm and started her bedtime routine: a lavender massage, swaddled, a top off bottle and rocking in her dark room with a binkie. She was out by 9 pm. She cried for 10 minutes and then was out.

She slept 9 pm to 4 am. SEVEN HOURS!

Tyson and I slept slept about four. What?

Yep. I was worried sick. Is she breathing? Is she sick? Is some weird spider biting her? (That last one is weird but it's honestly one of my fears ..)

Along with my worry I also am losing my mind. I swear I hear babies crying. Not kidding. I walked by her room THREE times because I swore I could hear her cry. So I would check - silence. So frustrating.

I swear when 4 am came around and she actually woke up I was so relieved. I came back to bed at 5 am and still could not sleep. I kept checking my watch - is she sleeping too long? When should I wake her up? I'm so freaking tired why can't I sleep?

She woke up at 7:45 am - I had her bottle ready. She eat, was changed and played with Tyson until 8:30. She was then tired. We did her soothing routine again and she was down by 8:45 for her two hour nap. Oh man.

So the great news is that our sweet girl slept for 9 hours last night. Hopefully mom and dad can actually get on the same boat.


  1. I'm so happy for your progress - sleep will come! It's an adventure and never what's expected...that's for sure.

  2. That's awesome news Martha! I have slept with ear plugs since Maya was born because I swear I could hear babies crying even when she wasn't.
