Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas part 1

Christmas this year was very very fun. We stayed back in colorado because I did not want to travel at 8 month pregnant and tickets were CRAZY expensive. So we stayed home.

Christmas even we were invited to the home of Ann and Ryan Brown. They have a beautiful home and we had amazing food - roast, funeral potatoes, dessert - it was awesome. We stayed until 745 and then headed home. We put Sydney to bed and Tyson and I started to prepare for our party the next day. We were in bed by 930. We woke up at 715 am and got ready. We made sure Sydney looked super cute. We brought her downstairs and got the cutest video of her first real Christmas. She went straight to ther stocking and started pulling stuff out.

We did our stockings, then eat breakfast. I attempted to  make a casserole - not a success, but it was at least an attempt lol. After breakfast we opened our presents. I'll admit that it was really all about Sydney. It was fun to see her rip the paper and actually recognize a toy or a book. After presents it was nap time. Sydney slept and cleaned the house. After we woke up we skyped with Debbie and Gaylan and shared our presents. After Skype we put Sydney in her snow suit and took her in our front yard for her first experience with snow. It was hilarious! She looked so cute all wrapped up. She was doing great walking the snow. She fell several times and of course we laughed our heads off. We got some great videos. It's amazing the difference of a year. Last year she was just this little blob of a person  - now she is running and exploring and growing. It's amazing to watch.

We got the house ready, finished our first turkey,put the finishing touches on our cider and dessert and it was time to party. We had the Ashby's and Stallings over. We had a great dinner, watched the movie "Prep and Landing" and then started our MINUTE TO WIN IT GAMES. We played an M&M games with a straw, we had a cracker in face game and the funniest one was the orange in a stocking game to push down water bottles. It was a hoot! We laughed so hard.

Everyone left by 730 and we got to cleaning. We were done by 815 pm and we sat down and relaxed. It was a great day. It was filled with great food, great people and fun memories. We felt very blessed. My favorite part was how relaxed things were. It was the best route for us with me being so prego. Of coursed we missed family but we are excited to spend next Christmas with them.

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