Wednesday, February 13, 2013

London Birth Story Part 1

Monday morning 02/11/2013) I woke up around 4 pm because I was so uncomfortable. As usual I go to the bathroom and come back to bed but this time I noticed my so called "braxton hicks" were feeling different. The braxton hicks were a tightning of stomach but THESE contractions were pressure down  below - which I knew were different.

I did try to go back to bed but the next contraction came 10 minutes later and was more powerful. I left the bed and went to London's room. I decided to just stay there and rock myself and see if the contractions kept coming. They did. They weren't strong or awful, but consistant. I started practicing my breathing and saying my matras. At 530 am I decided to take a shower "just in case". I knew that I was still 13 days from my due date but I also knew this pregnancy was much harder and different than Sydney's.

At 7 am Sydney woke up and Tyson got her up. He came to see me and asked if I was ok. I told him that contractions were consistant but not painful. We started wondering if I should go into work. I was feeling good and thought I could go in but Ty said I should stay home. He quickly found me a replacement. He was off Monday anyway so he could help me with Sydney.

I kept myself as busy as possible. Tyson asked what I needed from him and I told him that I wanted the house clean. He then spent the next two hours vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, fixing the house. Sydney took a nap and I made sure all our stuff were packed for the hospital.

The contractions stopped for about an hour so I thought I had false labor. I decided to go to King Soopers and buy milk in case they came back. I left Ty with Sydney napping and I headed to Kings. By the time I arrived at Kings I started contractions again. I had a pretty strong one in the parking lot. I stood in between cars and breathed through the  contractions. I went inside, got groceries and headed to check out. I had another strong contraction. The lady in the checkout saw what was going asked and got all concerned. She offered to take my groceries to the car, which I gladly took.

I got home around 1130. I told Ty the contractions were stronger. We called Betsy Adams from the ward to come watch Sydney. She arrived at 1145, by which time the OB said to come in so they can do a labor check since my contractions were still 10 minutes apart. We showed Betsy the routine and some things Sydney likes. By 1245 the contractions we still 10 minutes apart but getting stronger. We left the house at 1:05 pm.

We were driving and I told Ty to stop at Wendys so he could get something to eat since he probably won't get to at the hospital. We stopped and ordered drive through. Right after Tyson paid and we picked up our food a really STRONG contraction came. It was strong and lasted what seemed like FOREVER! Tyson was squeezing my hand pressure point at the light when all of the sudden I felt this POP and water gushing. My water broke! My water broke! I had my water broken at the hospital so I had no idea what that would feel like. Well it was painful and very wet.

I started FREAKING out because I knew the baby was close if my water had broken. I started crying and Tyson got disoriented and missed our exit to the hospital. I started yelling "you missed the exit" and Tyson kept saying "no this way is faster" which was a complete lie but he was trying to keep me calm.

We kept driving. The contractions were strong but still 8-9 minutes apart. I kept praying "God just let me get to the hospital and it will all be ok". As we rounded the bed to enter the Good Sam complex and  the contractions were STRONG. I just kept wishing Ty could do a pressure point on my back because driving in the car SUCKS during contractions. We finally made it to the main entrance. Ty ran inside to get a volunteer to come get a wheel chair for me. I sat in the wheel chair and this sweet old lady wheeled me the elevator. She went as fast as possible but she was still slow. I kept trying to breath while Ty parked the car. We got the 3rd floor. We entered the wing and they were crazy and said they wanted to take me to triosh and I yelled "no my water broke and I'm bleeding so give me a room NOW." I also kept yelling " get the doctor because I progressed really fast last time". I got into the room, got undressed and they started to check me. The nurse looked up and said "call the doctor, she is ready to deliver now". I kept saying "I need the epidural, I need the epidural" and they kept saying "this baby is coming any minute. We don't have time".

Tyson had arrived at this point and was doing some pressure points which helped out alot. I kept sayign " I can't do this Tyson, they must give me something" and Ty just help my hand and said it was going to be ok. I wish I could say I was a tropper, put my big girl panties on and said "ok lets do this, but I wasn't. I was terrified, I wasn't emotionally ready for this and this felt like I was going to die. After my panic attack I said "ok give me a squatting bar I will not deliver on my back" because of the issues I had with Sydney. They got the bar for me and I started to squat, at the same time I was having a hard time breathing due to me panicking, so when I was squatting I felt my body run out of air and I started to pass out. All I remember was the Dr. Burgess saying "were loosing her"

Tyson and the nurses dragged me down on my back and even though I was passing out I was still fighting the. I was terrified to deliver the baby on my back, I was scared to do it naturally, I was scared I was going to feel my entire body rip in half. They put the oxygen mask on me and then the doctor said to push. I mustard every ounce of courage left in me and I pushed ....

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