Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Turning 30

Today I'm 30 years old. Wow! What a milestone. I wish I could say that I took time to look back on  my life and take inventory  but being knee deep in diapers, a sick toddler, a newborn, recovering from labor - makes that a little harder. 

Still turning 30 is  a big deal so we have to celebrate. Tyson decorated the house for me, bought me flowers and made the most hilarious card from scratch. The card was a perfect reflection of the craziness we have been feeling - and how wonderful it all really is. 

I took a shower today. I CURLED my hair folks. I put on make up and for the first time in two weeks wore regular clothes. Tonight Tyson and I will go to dinner. 

London is 8 days old today.The last week has flown by and also lasted forever. Sydney has been soooo sick. I know it was the Dtap shot we gave her on Thursday  She has been sicker than a dog ever since. Coughing all night, fever, being extremely needy. It's amazing how a sick toddler is way harder than a newborn. Two nights ago Sydney was up every 45 minutes all night long. All. Night. Long. Finally after I gave her a bath at 3 am she slept from 4-630. I was exhausted. Luckily my grandma and Debbie took care of London so she was taken care of. Sadly after all was said and done I had gone 12 hours without holding London. I'm so scared of getting her sick so I change clothes every time I hold Sydney so I don't use the same clothes with London. 

London has been a really sweetie. She is happy as can be. a bit fussy at night but honestly so much easier than I remember Sydney being. I know she still really new and the real test will come the closer I get to the dreaded six weeks. Still I count my blessings. Having my grandma and Debbie here has been smoother than I expected. They are great at taking care of London since Sydney seems to only want me. I can already tell the jealousy kicking in. Every time I hold London Sydney runs to me and starts crying for me to hold her. They only other person she might go to is Tyson when he gets home from work. 

Debbie leaves tomorrow and my mom arrives two days later. I'm sooo excited for my mom to meet London. I have to say my connection with London came so much faster and easier than with Sydney. I look at London and want to melt. At the same time Tyson says he is feeling a little  more distant. Tyson and Sydney continue to be best buds. 

We also finally go Sydney a Learning Tower off Craigslist. $100 baby! Sydney really loves it. It's heavy but it's so fun. 

So here's to turning 30. Two kids. One husband. No sleep. Life is pretty great. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on London being here - sounds like it was a crazy birth story, but I'm glad that she's here and healthy. I have a friend who does natural labors, and on her fourth she went from early/mid labor to delivering in the space of a contraction, and she said it was a very difficult labor, emotionally, and took her a while to process everything afterwards, since it all came so fast and she wasn't prepared for it. So you're not alone in feeling the craziness.
    Happy 30th birthday as well! Isn't this stage of life funny - so wonderful, yet so sleep deprived, and you want to be able to slow down and enjoy it all, but you also would like to hurry up and get some sleep already. London looks beautiful :)
