Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bleeding Blue

We by far have the coolest friends. Not only are they supportive, but expose to awesome memories. Example, Lori and Steve Weinberger. True blue Californians with a passion for music and hip beyond compare. They have not only remodeled their new house and introduced us to Prison Break, but they invited us to a BYU football game.

**note: I don't like football, even when I was at the U, I only attended 5 games. Most of the problem comes from not understanding what is going on. Trust me, Ty has tried and tried to explain it. Doesn't stick. **

Besides being cold, the game was fun. Call me a geek but my favorite part was the band. I use to play in the band (don't hold it against me)and reminisced how fun it was to play at games. We would stay warmer because we moved so much. BYU won and I almost memorized the school anthem song .. rah rah rah rah rah .. ah dang it, I forgot it again.

Thank you Lori and Steve. Ty had a blast and I got to eat my favorite hot dog treats.

p.s. we all agreed that being the flag dancers does not mean you were a cheerleader reject - but we would still never become them.

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