Sunday, October 12, 2008

Food Storage

To keep the record straight I don't consider myself the cookie cutter house wife. I don't scrapbook, make amazing meals or ever have unbelievably coordinated accents in my home. That being said I am strick on food storage, which I thought had to have a direct correlation with the above. Glad I'm wrong. It all started when Ty and I first got married. Our ward is preparedness 101 and it has fired me up. My state just happens to be earthquake central, oh and did I mention we are due for a major earthquake, oh 50 years ago. So I'm looking to prepare NOW. The hard part is 1. I have no idea where to even begin. Luckily Debbie came to my rescue. She really exposed me to canning and doing food storage that fits your family. Within the last 6 month Ty and I constructed our 72-hour kits and have purchased 300 lbs of food storage; rice, eggs, oats, bread mix, muffins, butter, cheese, milk, hot cocoa, cereal, soup ... etc. Besides the pain of canning it and then storing it in our two bedroom condo, I feel a deep satisfaction and relief for being prepared. Our stake held a preparedness fireside today with great info.

1. 1/8th tspn of pool cleaner is better to clean water than Clorox.
2. Water left in an area for too long will taste like it's location.
3. Kerosene is better than propane - no carbon monoxide fumes

It was awesome. Ty and I are still planning but below are some pics of our food storage.

ps. who would have I thought butter and cheese would have a 30 shelf life?


  1. Hey I had know idea about half of that stuff. Where do you get the butter and cheese?

  2. wow ! Hermana - Kudo's to YOU!
    You guys are doing so well.

    With recent catostrophy - food storage would make anyone feel more secure!

  3. Hi, I found your blog when I was googling food storage.

    That's awesome that your ward is really into preparedness and food storage. If you ever need any more help, or any food storage recipes, feel free to check out our blog!

    Good luck!
    Hannah @

  4. Great job on getting so much food storage in such a short period of time! A great website to get long term food storage is
