Sunday, November 23, 2008

Weekend Recap

We had fantastic weekend. This last week we've had so many great things happen to us. Internally Tyson and I are really growing. It's hard to explain but I'm grateful for the chance to grow. Ty and I have been reading alot. About everything. Sales, leadership, how to get along with people ... you name it. Part of me hates not being recognized, and no one knows the efforts being made by Tyson and I. At the same time I know the "seeds" are being planed and cultivated. Within time ALL the fruits will be seen. I have faith in this. I have faith in our future. Yesterday Tyson closed a loan and premium with an eager new stud - nothing makes Ty happier. What most people did not see is that Ty missed most of the U vs Y game to do this, without a single complaint. Most men won't take out the trash without complianing, but Tyson sacrifices what he loves now, to secure our future later. Isn't that amazing?

Our goal is 100x100 and we are growing ourselves to take on this responsibility. I am amazed at how Tyson never drops his duties on others ... he stands up and learns and takes responsibility. I know most don't see this. Most frankly don't care. I care. I want to remember how far Tyson has come along. How far I've come along.

We attended the temple Friday night. I was sitting in my chair trying to feel the spirit and all of the sudden I looked up and saw Tyson. I started to cry. I cried for our tough times, for the long nights, for the trials along the way. But mostly, I cried out of respect for my Tyson. The last 18 months have been the most uncomfortable times in our lives; however, it's been the most rewarding. Floods of memories, role playing, preparing, presentations, trainings, prayers ... all came to my mind. I could not take my eyes off of Tyson, who was oblivious to what I was feeling. We left the temple and I had this total moment of clarity. My greatest treasure was standing right in front of me and I saw him. Sometimes what matters most is standing right in front of you all along.

I'm forever grateful for Primerica. Grateful for my amazing team. Grateful for our mentors (Steve&Theresa, Phil&Heather, James&Angie, Gaylan&Debbie) but most of all, Tyson. My superman.


  1. What a loving tribute - I am sure he knows what a wonderful wife he has! Is the bailout going to affect you?

  2. Martha-I just want you to know that none of your hard works go unrecognized! You are both so talented! The way you have BOTH comitted to this businees will only make it happen quicker! You are just around the corner from all the hard work paying off. Everything that you are going through is what leaders are made of! You should be so proud of all that you have accomlished these last 18 months. I am so proud of you both-I see the growth and it is very recognized in my eyes!
