Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Am I really 25?

This morning I woke up and realized "I'm 25?!" I'm glad to report that I have accomplished many of my lifes goals; however, I find it easy to feel that "by X age, I should have done this, this and that." The problem with that is that life isn't that easy and it always takes twist and turns. The best thing that we can do is to not only keep moving forward but also look back and see what has gone right, even though it might have been different than originally planned.

So today, I'm looking back; in the last 25 years I have acommplished:

1. Being born: It sounds dumb, but I was not only born, but I was born into a great family and have always had an amazingly strong mother.
2. I joined the LDS church and have found my own testimony: The decision to not just join, but to actually live with the principles have led me to the life I know enjoy.
3. I made great friends: I'm lucky. Very rarely do you find people that genuinely care for you - I have found several. They have made me a better person.
4. I became confident: Throughout my early years I never recall having many friends or really being outgoing. I wanted that changed. Moving away and starting high school was a big transition and it gave me the freedom to really become someone new. I got on a huge kick and exposed myself to new things; choir, track & field, seminary, acting, student goverment, dating, dancing and travel. That confidence has just kept building and made college and post-college life an adventure.
5. Graduating College: I'm the first woman in my immediate family to graduate college. I always knew I wanted to go and pursue my dreams but when it came down to it, money almost held me back. Thanks to a loving family (and student loans), I was able to get my BA in Public Relations and Business. Walking to get that diploma was powerful, but not because of me, but because I knew all the trials my mom and grandma had endured, all for the hope that I would make something of myself. There were no guarantees, but they never lost hope. Those two women deserve all the credit for any acommplishment I will have in life.
6. I married a great man: Tyson is great. Yes we've only been married 8 months and yes we are still in the honeymoon stage, but seriously, Tyson is a fantastic man. His character, work ethic, love of the gosple, belief in me, belife in our business ... I'm so blessed to have married a great man in the temple.
7. I went on a cruise: Going on my first cruise is just the start of my travels. I've taken the first step, now it just takes more walking.
8. I love to read: the last 4 years have made me a lover of books. I'm constanly reading and expanding my mind.
9. I have grown up: Since being married I've had so many "grow up" moments, moments that make me step back, analyse, change and slowly transform into a better, more patient, more loving, more forgiving person/wife/sister/daughter/friend.
10.I started my own busines: I remember looking at wealthy people and thinking "wow, if only I could ever have their chance, I would make it work!" I did! Tyson and I have take huge leaps of faith and its definitely paid off.
11. I have no debt. In the industry that Ty and I are in debt is a four letter word. I feel so blessed to not have that to worry about.
12. I'm close to my family: Enough said.
13. I was able to be Jael's temple escort: Besides being confused as her mother, the experience was awesome.
14. I am active: Back in the 9th grade I was ANYTHING but active, but since high school I have always wanted to stay fit. I love running during the summer, spinning during the winter and just being fit.
15. I'm a cook: I have fallen in love with cooking the last two years. I even got a BOSCH mixer for Christmas, so someone is expecting me to keep on cooking :)
16. I've skydived: Thanks to Melynda I took the jump summer of 2005. It was a great experience.
17. I'm happy: I think that's the best way to sum it up. I wouldn't trade the last 25 years, no matter how hard they seemed at times. I thank God for everything he has put in my path.

My first 25 years have been awesome, but I can't tell you how excited for the next 25 years. A song by Tim McGraw is perfect for this:

I think I’ll take a moment, celebrate my age
The ending of an era and the turning of a page

My next 25 years I’m gonna settle all the scores
Cry a little less, laugh a little more
Find a world of happiness without the hate and fear
Figure out just what I’m doing here
In my next 25 years

My next 25 years will be the best years of my life
Raise a little family and hang out with my wife
Spend precious moments with the ones that I hold dear
Make up for lost time here ,In my next 25 years


  1. Happy Birthday, Martha! You really have accomplished a lot so far. I can't believe we are all going to be 25 this year!

  2. By the way, how do you know Jordan and Chandra Smith?? They are in my ward out here in Michigan!

  3. Congratulations on your birthday; That song brings back a lot of memories (not of my next 25 years of course, just of listening to it). After all I first listened to Tim McGraw because of you and your West Valley friends!
