Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Florida: Part 4

The last day was sad, yet exciting! We rented a car and headed to Disney World. We forgot our camera, so we dont have many pictures, but it was such a fun day. After Disney World we visited Old Towne - a little village full of quaint shops and yummy treats. We ate ice-cream and caught some of the National Winter Car Show. Ty and I hit the hot tub one last time :)

The next day we arrived at the airport and headed home. Lucky for us, we arrived in the middle of the warm weather break in Utah! We are excited to be home but more importantly, we are excited to continue growing our awesome baseshop and to help more families experience what we just experienced - freedom and options. This trip really was life changing and it made me realize that life is not meant to be lived paycheck to paycheck. We are meant to do great things in life and to help others along the way.