Church was great today. We talked about how to be more holy in our everyday things. I spoke about the morning devotionals that we have started doing at 8 am. We wake up, read scripstures on the couch, pray and say affarmations. It's been a great way to start the day. We attended our Dave Ramsey class and we are starting to do our envelope system and our cashflow charts - it seems like alot, but it's been an awesome class. I love how hand and hand it goes with Primerica.
This weekend we had an awesome training with the Scottorn baseshop. Saturday we hung out with new friend Sugey and Chad. We watched 2012 and eat at Q-doba (We really like this place :) Sugey and Chad have a MASSIVE TV and surround sound. They are a very cool couple - Christian. We even prayed at the restaurant. It's neat to see so much committment to religion.
We are entering our third week in Colorado. Time sure does fly. I start my regular work schedule and I'm excited and kinda scared. It still feels like a vacation that we are here - we really have been so blessed our entire time and I know that God will continue the good favor.
What a fun adventure for you guys! Your hair looks super cute by the way.