5:45pm: Everything is dandy. I am feeling totally on top of it.
5:50pm: Small office crisis that needs my IMMIDIATE attention.
5:55pm: Oh look! The missionaries are in my office, waiting to go into my house.
5:56pm: I call Tyson to come get the missionaries.
5:57pm: I am wondering if I can even FEED these dudes. Ask Tyson to finish cooking.
6:00pm: Crisis quasi fixed. I am stressed to the max.
6:15pm: Melissa and darling kids show up.
6:25pm: Should have eaten at six but I am still finishing up dinner.
6:34pm: We finally sit down to eat. Soup is way to salty and rolls are hard :(
The evening really did turn out great. The Elders brought a sweet spirit into our home and gave the coolest object lesson. We had a great time and Mellisa and I did laundry and got some awesome grocery deals.
Is tyson growing some facial ? Looks good!! I'm sorry about the crisis.. Cooking can always throw you surprises.