Friday, April 23, 2010

Utah vs Colorado

(This is not actually us but the clouds looked like this all day)

Utah vs Colorado

Utah: green jello at all parties
Colorado: coffee at all parties

Utah: no NFL team
Colorado: home to the Broncos

Utah: pretty tame when it comes to natural disasters
Colorado: tornado warnings during April

Truth be told I was excited about our two hour tornado warning. Call me weird but I have always wanted to be part of one. Not earthquakes or tsunamies .... tornados. Or hurricanes, but that is just a tornado on water.

Denver had a warning due to the bad storms. I'm having thoughts of food storage and if that dang heater that we bought would help us out at all if anything did happen. It began pouring last night - my favorite way to fall sleep.

They skyes have been all sorts of cool clouds and dark undertones. It was super dark in the morning, following a bright sunny afternoon and now it's getting dark again. Gotta love that Colorado weather.


  1. Remember Ranging waters and the tornado. You were part of one. But I agree.I've always wanted to see it from far, especially a twin tornado. I bet I would chicken out and run even if I knew I was safe.

  2. Tornado? Scary! I love all the comparisions. Colorado sounds amazing!
