Friday, April 2, 2010

Watching The Kids

We have have loved watching Maya, Alec and Kayla the last couple of days. I'll be honest and say that I am surprise how much the house gets dirty but I am learing ton's about what to do when I am a mom. Tyson had a blast with them last night playing soldiers. We had Mac and Cheese for dinner and were all in bed by 9:30.

I have to admit that I was so worried about missing school in the morning that I did not sleep. I got up at 6:40, followed the directions perfectly and everyone got to school on time :) It was really weird being awake for TWO hours before even starting work. Man mom's are tough. So some of the thing that just caught my mind are:

1. Keep your house simple in decor. Too many nick nacks would just drive me crazy trying to just keep it clean.

2. Big storage that looks nice is vital. For example there is a big square coffee table that is also for storage. Easy to access kids toys and even easier to clean up right before bed.

3. Put plastic on tables. Kids will naturally scratch stuff. Plastic covers have really improved since the days of my mom using it - it makes so much sense now :)

4. Don't organize every single item but do get bins so that you know the general areas where things are.

5. Throw stuff away. Melissa is great at keep the house clean and one of the reasons - she throws it away baby.

Now I realize that two days is nothing compare to actually having babies and raising them. In a weird way, its like I'm getting ready for it. There were some tender moments when Ty and I looked at each other and just soaked in the moment of a picture of the future. I'm excited for that day to come.

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