Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Babysitting: Day 2

In effort to NOT repeat last nights sleep deprivation - Ty and I decided on a game plan.

The Plan: Take the boys somewhere that will allow them to run, run, run, run ... you get the idea.

The Place: Carl's Jr/Green Burrito.

I got home at 5 pm and had to pick up the boys by 6:30 pm, which left an hour for me to actually shower and wash my hair. I got home and found Tyson in total sleep from last night. I shower, dried my hair and got my new clothes ready. We picked up the boys and took them to Carl Jr's - which is now officially our favorite place. We took turns eating our own dinner and playing with the boys. Ty and I were able to eat half our food before is went completely cold.

Gabriel and Issac were too small to climb all the way to the top of the Jungle Gym, so Ty and I took off our shoes and actually climbed the jungle gym (conclusion: I am WAY too big for a jungle gym.) The good news: our plan worked! We got home around 8:30,we put together our new paper airplanes (courtesy of Carl Jr's Kids Meal), changed into PJ's and put on "Diego's Adventure." By 10 pm I was passed out, so sweet Ty let me hop into bed. I did not feel anything the rest of the night. Ty said the boys went to bed around 10:30 pm but guess what! They were down for almost 6 hours!!! Gabriel woke up at 1:30 am but quickly went back to sleep. Issac did not start screaming until 4:30, but was down in less than 20 minutes! Heaven!

Now some of you might think that it was still a tough night, but in all honesty both Ty and I were up at 7:30 am and felt great! The boys woke up around 7:30 am were happily eating breakfast. I actually washed my hair and put on make-up :)

Tonight marks our last night together with these two little boys and boy have we learned a lot. Its been hard work but Ty and I have actually really enjoyed this time - its free birth control - and I have seen Tyson in a completely new light and have been reaffirmed what a fantastic daddy he will be someday.

Tonight includes one last big surprise for the boys! Stay tuned.

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