Thursday, January 24, 2008

This One Is For You Marie ....

This video was made by my dear, dear friend Marie Mines. Those of you who have known me for a while have pretty much met Marie and know she is having a once-in-a-lifetime experience in Romania with the Peace Corps. When she found out I was getting Married - to a man she never even met or got to approve, she made this awesome video of the crazy times we have had together. The good news - she comes home in 4 months!!! I'm so excited. We both have done amazing things these last two years and I would not trade that for anything. Marie is a fantastic friend and I'm grateful for her love and her families love. The Mines family have really set a high example for me of hard work, generosity and family love.

Top Ten Memories with Marie
1. Week Long Trip to San Francisco, where I got lost and ended up in some weird little California village.
2. Trying to camp with Marie, only to freak out at 4 am and having to call her Aunt to come pick us up.
3. Both Marie and I graduating from college.
4. Both Marie and I breaking off engagements within the same month.
5. Getting stuck for 3 hours on Christmas Eve trying to find Marie's cabin.
6. Going to the "Coffee Break" for late night talks and hot cocoa.
7. Wednesday night ski trips in Utah Lake
8. Belly Dancing Classes at the WYCA
9. Camping out in Monterrey Bay being scared to be on the beach alone at night
10. Accidentally making Marie hit a parked car with her Dad boat - she was not happy that night.

We love you Marie and can't wait until you get home.


  1. Now that is what I am talkin' about! Although, I have say, I think it is odd that on your top ten list of best memories of Marie, you have breaking of an engagement, and hitting a car. Only you could make the funny. Thanx for the more than generous blog. I'll get that money pronto. ;)
    You are the best kiddo! Here's lookin' at you. See you soon!

  2. You make me cry Martha, or rather the pictures make me cry. It was so good to remember some of the great times we have had with you in the past. I look forward to many in the future. P.S. If Tyson could start now on the list of guys that you two are going to line Marie up with, it would be good.:)

  3. :D lol funny how many of those are direct results from both of your "driving" ability lol
