Thursday, January 31, 2008

Babysitting: Day 3

We made it! Ty and I have officially come to the end of our babysitting experience. Melynda and Marco arrive in SLC around 9 am and they are so excited to see their boys.

As a surprise, I took the boys to the West Valley Family Fitness Center, home to the coolest Kids Zone. Its like a world for little people complete with a race tracks, a huge Jungle Gym, a tree house, a real bridge and a mini Harmon's Grocery store (talk about product placement.) After 2 hours of playing legos, chasing the boys in the Jungle Gym (my knees are grateful we ended last night) and pretending to grocery shop, we picked up some pizza and headed home.

We got home at 9 pm, got cleaned up and started to get ready for the next day. Ty got home around 9:30, ate dinner and played with the boys while I tried to clean up. At 9:45 we changed into PJ's and put on "Beauty and the Beast." By 10:15 Gabriel,Isaac and I laid on the floor half asleep. Ty put the boys in bed and I climbed in, hoping that two hours of horseplay would allow me to get some sleep and it worked!

Isaac was sleep the ENTIRE night. Our regular little screamer did not even make a sound! Ty and I were shocked and relieved. Gabriel woke up twice and the second time he could not go back to sleep. In an effort to keep him from crying, I put him in bed between Ty and I and he was out.

This morning Isaac and I were up and ready to go by 7:45 am, while Ty and Gabriel got some extra beauty rest. I cleaned up my bag and got to work

All in all, the last few days have been a huge learning experience. I have so much more respect for parents, and a lot more respect for single parents. My mom was single with four kids for a while, and although I always respected her, It never became so clear just how hard it must have been for her. My mom is fantastic person, with a heart and work ethic that will beat almost anyone. Thanks mom.

I also learned why Heavenly Father intented both mom and dad to be there. I could not have survived this week without Ty. He is a so good to the kids and lets boys be boys. He is going be a fantastic daddy, but you better believe we are waiting for our own kids to come.

Tonight Ty and I are headed to our awesome Opp night for PFS, we rest tomorrow and then Saturday is Jael's wedding. This has been a crazy week!

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