Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Long Lost Friend

Last night I got to spend time with my old roommate Sarah and we had a great time. Both Sarah and I are big workout fans, in fact, during my triathlon training last year, Sarah and I decided to do a bike ride - harmless right? We got to what we called the "Lance Armstrong Hill" due to it really quick and steep incline, but we had no fear - we are unstoppable. I went first and made it to the peak and quickly looked back to see what Sarah was doing. Sarah made it all the way up the hill! I was so excited that I actually fell off my bike in the middle of asphalt. Sarah ran to my limpy body covered in scratches and blood. 10 minutes later we were slowly walking back to our apartment - it was pretty funny and will forever be a lasting memory.

To celebrate our love for working out, we went walking for an hour last night - mostly so we could talk and not sound funny. After a fantastic workout we headed back to her place (or my old apartment) and ate a really yummy and healthy dinner. We started chatting about the US debt and the movie "I Am Legend" and kind of freaked ourselves out by feeling ill-prepared if the world came to an end tomorrow - sounds funny, but seriously, most families are not even close to being prepared in case of an emergency. Ty and I are almost done with our 72-hour kits and I'm pretty excited about that.

I love you Sarah and I'm so grateful for the awesome time we had! We must do it again.

1 comment:

  1. So I see the title of this blog, "long lost friend" and I'm thinkin', "oh, how cute. she's blogging 'bout her friend in Romania she doesn't have time to talk to any more." and then I open it up and what do I see? Do I see anything about me?! Nope! What's the story Marchena... oh, sorry, Gerber?! I'm cool enough to warrant a blog! ;)
    Love ya doll, it great to talk to ya (at least for me, apparently for you it was a completely forgettable experience. Gee, you don't do this to Ty do you? ;)
